On my cell…

Author: donna  |  Category: Family

Thought I’d share some randomness that I found on my cell phone…

Mrs. Mays

This won’t excite you as much as it did me. Years ago, I was at my sister-in-law’s house and she gave me a Mrs. May’s almond crunch bar. It was very simple…almonds stuck together with sweetness. Since then, I’ve been on a quest to find these things (she couldn’t remember where she’d bought them), but to no avail. Then, on a random trip to TJ Maxx, I’m standing in line and look to my left. Oh my! Yes, I bought them, and yes, they are wonderful. If you find them near you, let me know!

North Meck

Okay, I’m cheating here…found this photo on FB. But, it’s so cute I had to share. This is the North Meck Testify group from about a month ago. A great bunch of kids. Ethan is in the middle right (getting crushed), Abbey middle left (crushed also), Payton is in the back, 2nd from the left, and Marley is front, 2nd from the right.

Pathway co-op

Here are the “littles” in our homeschool co-op. This was their Valentine’s brunch :)


Co-op again, this time middle school history. That day, the kids were having a debate – communism vs. capitalism. It was very interesting!

Lainey, Dylan, and Hollyn

Lainey and Dylan were super excited on Monday, to find out we were headed to Hollyn’s house for a playdate. Hollyn and Dylan are “prosthesis buddies”…hers is on the right, Dylan’s on the left. They played their hearts out (here, they are busy cooking with rice) and then we had a yummy lunch. What’s even more exciting is that our new house is MUCH closer to Hollyn’s house! I see many more playdates to come.

That’s it. Other than the 2,135 pics of Lainey sticking her tongue out. I’ll be deleting those :)

And, in case you’re counting, we move exactly ONE MONTH from tomorrow!

2 Responses to “On my cell…”

  1. Angela Says:

    We can find Mrs. Mays at Costco – and they’ve got a variety of flavors….

  2. Mom West Says:

    Gotta admit, “Mrs. Mays Almond Crunch” really sounds good….your dad wants me to be on the look-out for them, too!!!

    You sent us a copy of the North Meck Testify Choir picture. They look like they really have fun together…and I’m sure they enjoy singing, dancing & acting together for their tours!

    Cute little kids in the homeschool co-op!…especially 2 special ones!!!

    Communism vs. Capitalism, huh? I’m sure your dad would have loved to have been there to participate in the debate…he loves to give his opinion on these things!!!

    How great that you’ll be closer to Hollyn’s when you move!! That is definitely a plus!!

    Now, I wish I had some almond crunch to eat!!!

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