Thanks…and, my Monday deal

Author: donna  |  Category: Random thoughts

Thanks so much for all the kind words about the post for my Grandmom.  She was laid to rest on Saturday, and it was a gorgeous, warm sunny day.  It reminded me of her.  Her service was beautiful, and the testimony that her care giver shared brought me to tears.  And, just as the pastor finished at the graveside, the church bells starting ringing.  That made me smile!

I’m not certain that God speaks through shoes, but in this case…let me back up.  I bought a pair of Clark’s Springers mules online YEARS ago.  They are my absolute favorite shoes to wear in the fall/winter.  They aren’t the most beautiful pair of shoes, but they are to me.

Today, as I was dropping off some items at our local kid’s consignment store, I was browsing in the $2 bins outside.  Nothing arranged by size, type, etc….just stuffed in bins.  I came across these shoes and nearly fell out.  Clarks Springers, in my size.  Not the mules, but just as comfortable.  I think they’re super cute, too.  And, did I mention they were $2?  I came home and checked on Ebay.  There’s a pair exactly like them for $43.50.  Score!!  I love a deal, especially when it’s SO meant for me to find… :)

2 Responses to “Thanks…and, my Monday deal”

  1. Alan Says:

    Sounds like a great deal. Randy might like a pair of pumps (remember the inflatable Reebok Pumps from the late 80’s).

  2. megan Says:

    I love good deals like that too! My mother in law found me a pair of silver glittery Toms for 50 cents in a garage sale!

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