The extras

Author: donna  |  Category: Holidays

Random Christmas shots too good not to share…but, somehow had no time to get on here before today.  Such is life.

Christmas craft with Lainey and Dylan.  I think I shared the initial salt dough handprints we did.  It took them quite a few days to dry, and then they painted them.  I helped a little by drawing lines and showing them which sections to paint which color.

I think they turned out great!  Nevermind that I still need to spray seal them…

“The” cookie recipe that must be made each year.  My mom made them every year when I was little, then I took over after I was married.  I still use the same press that my parents received as a wedding gift.

The happy baker!

Must. Concentrate…

My three helpers were terrific!

We decorated inside and out.  We have trees that line our winding, gravel driveway.  Randy put lights on every other one all the way down.  My favorite decoration this year, hands down.

Marley helped Randy with HIS NC State tree…all sports related ornaments.

Love our full mantle


This is our 9th year reading the Arnold Ytreeide series of Christmas stories…we began in 2004, when Abbey was 8 and the trips were 6.  We’ve only missed 1 year, 2010…when we were in China with Dylan.  We rotate through all 3 books, so the one we read this year was last year in 2008.  We forget much of the story, too, so there are still surprises!  And, Randy makes it fun by being silly with all of his “voices”…we crack up and then finally convince him to read normally.


Nativity calendar.  The kids take turns each night, and we all guess what could be behind the door.  Donkey?  Wiseman?  Sheep? Spiderman??


Christmas eve…after we came home from our church service, I gathered the kids by the tree.  They agreed, as long as…

…they could do a silly pose.


I didn’t even make them do this!  They just did…gotta snap that picture.

A mom and her oldest son…

My big girls

My littlest kids.  Ugh, those reds clash…

So, there’s some Christmas randomness!  Next up?  Pics of the kids riding those dirt bikes…



2 Responses to “The extras”

  1. Mom West Says:

    The Little’s “Santa Handprints” are adorable!!! Good keepsakes for years to come ~ That cookie press that we got for our 1st Christmas from my parents is now 48 years old, so it could almost be considered an “antique”!! What a great shot of the sprinkles going on the cookies!!

    Your trees that line your driveway are beautiful, and I really like the shot of the small tree on your porch and you can see Randy’s “State” tree above! I also took a picture of all the Clark stockings!

    I wonder if Dylan found Spiderman inside the Nativity Calendar door?? :) The kids’ silly pose picture….love how Ethan is peeking around Payton!! HA!!

    These are great photos and stories of your Christmas traditions….possibly that the kids will pass on to their children. I really hope they pass on the “Blaisdell, West Clark” sugar cookies…it looks like the cookie press is in great shape for many generations to come!! :) Happy New Year to our favorite people in the whole world!!!

    That’s wonderful that Randy reads the stories each year….and I can just “hear” his many silly voices!! :)

  2. Gram Says:

    LOVE all of these and your write-ups with them.

    Can’t really pick which picture is my favorite as there are so many. I am thankful that you all are in your “home” this year and are decorating it so beautifully with the kids. Many wonderful memories will take place in this beautiful home.

    love to all

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