Curled up with a book…finally.

Author: Donna  |  Category: Uncategorized

This is Ethan, affectionately known as EJ or even E-money at times (his daddy gave him that last one – no idea why, but it’s kinda cute). Ethan gives us challenges, just like any other kid, but a big one has always been this:

He hates to read.

So, when he was prompted to choose a chapter book for literature last week I thought he’d do the usual…pick the easiest, shortest, minimum-#-of-words-on-page book he could find. He surprised me and chose The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells. And, not the watered-down youth version…the adult version. Biggest surprise? He loves it! For years, I’ve been trying to find that subject, that genre of book that would “get him”. I’m now on a mission to find good science fiction novels…I’ve already found that C. S. Lewis wrote a trilogy of them and I have the first one on reserve at the library.

Just had to brag on my EJ…

6 Responses to “Curled up with a book…finally.”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    Been there…. done that !! I had one son that read all the time and would “pretend” to be sick when the newest Reader’s Digest condensed book would come to the house. THEN… I had one son that hated to read anything.

    Can you guess which son was which??? :)

  2. kristin Says:

    My big kids enjoyed reading in elementary school but now won’t touch a book with a ten foot pole—–unless required fo for a class. It drives me crazy!! I love to read. I wish they did too.

  3. breadofangels Says:

    Yeah!!! I can comment now! Isn’t it wonderful how they will read when you find what a subject they enjoy?!


  4. radicchi Says:

    Impressive. Read on, E-Money, read on.

  5. Janet T. Says:

    The C.S. Lewis trilogy that you are referring to….EXCELLENT! The first one is “Perelandria” or something like that. SO good. The second on, “Out of the Silent Planet” and the last one….um…I can’t remember its name. But they are great.

    I hope EJ enjoys them!!!!

  6. fourgrands Says:

    Must be an interesting book…he had no idea you took his picture! I’m gonna take a wild guess, Ann, which son didn’t want to read…Randy?? I know Donna LOVES to read and she always has!! I like to read ONLY if I have a half-way interesting book!!

    Enjoy, E.J. Money!!!

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