Catching up is hard to do.

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

I realize it’s halfway into January, and I still feel like I’m trying to recover from Christmas in some ways.  Our normal activities are, as of this week, back into full swing.  So, life is ramping up and there just hasn’t been time to blog.  Sigh.  I want to do a better job with this…maybe I can learn to sleep less?  I wish I was one of those folks who only needed 5 or 6 hrs a night to feel normal. 

What have we been up to?  Randy and I have been trying out his new 50mm lens for his Nikon D70 and getting a few good shots.  Randy took the one of Abbey above…she’s such a beauty, looks just like her daddy.  Here are a couple more…

Resident tom boy, Marley.  If you tilt your head, squint a little, and have a couple of drinks beforehand, you might think she looks a little like her mama. 

To quote Erin Walton, “she’s just a crazy” (I’m a huge Walton’s fan, don’t feel bad if you don’t get the reference)

no squinty eyes here, just big and blue. 

Didn’t get a decent one of Payton yet, but I will.  He’s a ham for the camera and tries to jump in any and all shots.  Yes, Payton, you DO. 

Taking the Christmas lights out of the drake elm…Payton flashes that winning smile! 

My favorite Christmas presents that weren’t Christmas presents.  While I was at my parent’s house in NC, I mentioned how much I love their oil lamps.  I remember being a kid and loving how they looked when they were lit.  I told mom I’d love to find one, and she told me that we could have one.  I was thrilled, and even more surprised when they gave us two!  These lamps are old, one of them came from my great aunt Eunice and uncle Wilbert’s home – did I mention I’m southern?  They now grace our mantle and just make me smile.  I love old things. 

What else has been going on around here.  Well, today we watched the Chargers BLOW the playoffs and lose miserably to the Jets.  Drat.  The Steelers and the Chargers, out.  Double drat. 

Marley starts horse riding lessons again on Monday and she’s ridiculously excited. 

I’ve been in a purging fit lately, and have a growing pile of “stuff” for charity.  With 7 people in the house, clutter builds quickly and it drives. me. nuts.  If something lies around for long without anyone using it, beware. 

Randy’s mom Ann had major surgery last Thursday so we’ve been thinking of and praying for her.  Randy was able to drive up to NC and be with her for a couple of days.  It’s hard living this far away from family, we feel the need to be there and can’t as much as we’d like.  Randy will more than likely head back sometime soon. 

I’ll leave you with a shot of a budding guitar player, working hard to rock it out like her big brother. 

I think she was in the middle of a rock ballad.  I’ll wait while you go get your lighter to hold up :)

3 Responses to “Catching up is hard to do.”

  1. Mrs. Stringer Says:

    I love oil lamps as well. We used them in 08 during the hurricanes. I’m glad we didn’t need them this last hurricane season.

  2. fourgrands Says:

    This is great!! I actually forgot about the oil lamps we gave you…the photo is gorgeous! (Print please…also of the kids!) I love the photos of Randy with P-Tater on his shoulders and the look on Lainey’s face as she’s doing her “thang”!! Does Marley have conjunctivitis?? It’s also called “pink eye”. Maybe you’ll have to call you know who for an Rx.

    I know the feeling ocassionally of “anxiety” when you feel like there’s so much to do and there’s not enough time….slow down and smell the roses. I know…easier said than done! :)

  3. breadofangels Says:

    So, do you love the lens?? :)


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