The Lizard Hunter

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

This is my 8 year old daughter’s hand, holding one of her favorite things in the world…a lizard. During the majority of the year here, lizards are everywhere. In the summer, they scatter in every direction as you walk. They hide in our plants, sun-bathe on our driveway, and hang out on our black iron fencing. Living here with a fear of lizards would be hard.

Marley LOVES all animals. And, that’s putting it mildly. She’s our resident “lizard catcher” when they find their way into our home. If we see one, even my husband calls Marley to catch it…she never misses! Today, she caught one outside and made it a “play pen” in our dog Jack’s outdoor bed. She sat, talking to it, letting it walk all over her, petting it gently on the head. it was adorable. And, made me smile.

4 Responses to “The Lizard Hunter”

  1. EliseLiptack Says:

    Cute…but I will stick with furry little pets. She reminds of my daughter, Hailey, she loves all moving creatures, even little spiders…yicky, it gives me the shivers just thinking about it!

  2. adixon Says:

    Hey Clarks!

    We miss you guys around here! Hey Donna let Marley know that she can actually put a lizard to sleep by turning it over on to its back in her hand and slowly rubbing the stomach of the lizard with her index finger. Marley should find this site interesting and it explains more…

    Take care Clark Clan!

  3. Janet T. Says:

    I’m with Marley, I love lizards too! Weird, huh? Because I hate mice! But I think lizards are so cute! I had 3 when I was in college- named Brutus, Julius, and Cassius. (Think I was a Shakespeare fan?) :-)

  4. fourgrands Says:

    That’s such a sweet story and picture of Marley holding the little lizard!! Yes, I can certainly picture her outside petting that little lizard and talking to it!! She’s definitely an animal’s best friend!! (That’s one of MANY reasons that we love her sooooo much!!) Love, Granma

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