
Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

In the last 2 days, both of my boys have busted their lips! Yesterday, Payton was opening a metal gate at the playground at our church and it jumped back on him (how, I’m not sure) and got him right on the bottom lip. Not too much blood or swelling, but it’s a little bruised today.

Today, the boys were playing basketball with a neighbor in our driveway and apparently the ball caught Ethan right on the top lip! EJ bled A LOT and it took us a second to find where he was bleeding from. Even after putting ice on it, his lip was HUGE tonight! He had grits and applesauce for supper, because it hurt him to chew. Poor kid. I’m praying that the swelling goes down more tonight. I thought I’d spare you pictures this time. Just imagine a very badly botched Botox injection on one side of a lip!

2 Responses to “Boys!!”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    OUCH!!! Hey, guys….take it easy on the lips, ok? I think Ethan was just jealous of Payton’s lip accident! :o) We said a prayer for the swelling to go down on Ethan’s lip so he can eat a decent meal today! I love how you describe it with a “Botox injection”!! It won’t be long till you guys make the trip up here…can’t wait to see you at Ron & Kathy’s on Easter Sunday. (That reminds me…I need to call her!) Love, Mom

  2. Janet T. Says:

    Wowsers. Those “tough guys” will look very “cool” now….:-) Poor guy!

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