
Author: donna  |  Category: Family

I just couldn’t stand it any longer.

We will have been in this rental home for a year next month.  We’ve been good, and hadn’t put a single nail hole in the wall.

Until today.

I decided it was time for a change.  ANYTHING would be better than the blank walls I’ve been staring at.

My first thing…


I admit, I stole this idea from my hair stylist.  She had canvas’ spray painted with chalkboard paint in her shop, with funky and inspirational messages on them.  She said she changes them often, on a whim, when something interesting occurs to her.  So, I made my own.  And, my first message sets the tone for the new board.  It’s MINE.  :)

Other canvas’ are being worked on now, too.  One that all the kids will have their brushes on, and another that involves all of their HANDS.  Easy to guess, huh?


This one isn’t so artsy, but I decided I wanted the kids to have something more than magnetic letters to play with on the fridge.  So, I bought some magnet sheets and cut them into different size strips, bits, and half circles.  They all love them, even the big kids.


I like seeing what they come up with!  Lainey has discovered that she can make a few letters and even numbers.

No pictures, but we also have 5 caterpillars eating and growing in a little cup…soon, they’ll cocoon and we’ll put them in our butterfly tent.  We’ve done this many times with the big kids, but I’m especially excited to see the littles experience it for the first time.

We don’t know how much longer we’ll be here – I am quite anxious to be in our own home.  But, all in God’s timing.  Until then, we’ll make it as much our own as we can.

3 Responses to “Projects”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    It’s stuff like this…the creative boards, the caterpillars project, etc. that absolutely make you such a super homeschool mom!!!! We admire everything that you do for the bigs and littles…they are never bored. I learned from taking Early Childhood Credentials that kids learn by DOING, not watching and listening…it’s all “Hands-on” that works. As far as I’m concerned, you get an A+ and above!! So proud of you!! Oh yeah, and we’re saying lots of prayers that you Florida house sells and you guys can start looking seriously for your OWN NC home!!!

  2. fourgrands Says:

    PS Let me guess…the cartoon (“Bob”) is Payton’s, right?!! Ok, now YOU have your own board and all the kids have THEIR own board!! But, where is Randy’s?? LOL

  3. Abbeygirl Says:

    Ethan says the BOB magnet guy was made by him and tater
    I say they broke my “PROM” magnet thing xD

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