A day of discovery

Author: donna  |  Category: Family


We visited a very popular kid’s museum in Charlotte this past Saturday. We’d been meaning to go for some time – we have a membership card that works for both the NC zoo and a lot of museums here – but, hadn’t managed to find an empty Saturday yet! Such is life in our household…

We had a great time. Tons of hands on activities, an Imax movie about Tornadoes (which made me ever so happy that we do NOT live in tornado alley…), a wonderful cafe with healthy choices, animals to see and touch, etc. etc. Randy and I were acting like kids again, with all the fun stuff. We can’t wait to go back.

One thing about the trip that stood out to me – other than the fun of lying on a bed of nails and seeing everyday items magnified zillions of times – was the overall acceptance and belief in the theory of evolution across all of the exhibits.


Not that I expected any different. Go to ANY museum, anywhere in the US, and the placards under the displays will read “millions and millions of years…” (With the exception of the Creation Museum in Kentucky, which we plan on checking out one of these days)


There was a huge display of photographs…gorgeous photos…down a couple of hallways and most referred to evolution in some way.

You know what I see when I look at the marvels of science? The beauty in nature? The vastness of the universe? The amazing diversity in both animals and people? I see God. I see marvels like the sun and the smallest of intricacies like our fingerprints that only a caring and intelligent God could design.

You might see something else. And, that’s okay. But, I take great pleasure in marveling at our wonderful world and all that’s in it, and thank God for making it so beautiful and amazing – all for us to enjoy!

Just thought I’d share all that.

Now, here are more shots of our day…


Payton leaned against a wall and ended up with this behind his head. Typical.


Dylan had to have his picture taken with the “jingwa” (frog). We got to see this exact frog and his friends gobble up bugs later that day.


Playing with air.


Jump on seats, see how far the ball in the tube will go. After I snapped this, an employee explained that you’re supposed to SIT on the seats and jump. Oops, I guess my kids are over-achievers ;)


They wanted to pose with the platypus…proof that God most definitely has a sense of humor.


Ewwww….I don’t care how fresh your manicure is, this microscope hides nothing!


Lainey makes a little friend.


Dylan makes a bigger one.


A rope bridge in the rainforest area. We saw gorgeous birds, very hungry frogs that I mentioned earlier, and bright green geckos.


These were just plain weird…little fish-worms that popped up and down out of their little hole homes. lol…


This area of the museum was such fun…lots of hands on contraptions to demonstrate principles of science. Loved it! One of our favs was the bed of nails display. We all had to try it. Lie on the bed, which is made of plexiglass punched with holes. Underneath, a bed of sharp nails that rises up once you push the button. Very interesting sensation to say the least!


They did protect your head, though. Dylan’s face says it all.


Yes, I’m posting all the kids pictures on the nails.


I turned the camera up to the mirror ceiling here.



Whew, you made it. No more nails.


Abbey shows her strength by pulling her own weight up. They had hard, harder, and hardest choices. See what she chose?


Lainey really gets into her job. This set had cranks and pulleys that kept the motions going…tiny plastic beads making their way up, down, and back again.


Our last stop was fun for the big kids. They provided little toys and other items, a computer with a camera, and a small set. We made stop-action films! It was a lot of fun. Randy and I made one using our hands creeping towards each other, and then his hand ate mine. Heh.

Thanks for letting me share our day…

4 Responses to “A day of discovery”

  1. Sherri Says:

    wow, what a neat place to visit. I love the photos!

  2. Yvette Says:

    Love it that is one amazing museum!!

  3. Jori Says:

    LOVE this post! The museum reminds me of the Discovery Science Center here in southern California. It’s been a while since we visited, but I did lie on the bed of nails. When we were finished there, the employee manning that exhibit told us “no drinks or soup for 24 hours!”

    I feel the same way you do about the wide acceptance of evolutionary theory as fact. It’s a theory, folks. = ) The truth is presented very clearly in Genesis (and the rest of the Bible).

    We are keeping you in our prayers as Irene approaches the Atlantic coast.


  4. Mom West Says:

    I can’t believe I have let 3 of your blogs go without reading and looking at them lately. I’ve been having problems getting to Handsful.com for some reason. Your dad opened these up for me.

    First of all, there’s no doubt in my mind that the photo of Payton with the crazy white stuff behind him will be his next profile picture!! You’re right…typical…LOL!!! Randy, I see a “hang nail” on your finger under the microscope…HA!! The bed of nails is so cool…I’ll bet it feels strange!! It didn’t surprise me at all that Abbey chose “Hardest”!! Way to go, Abs!!

    You guys are so fortunate to be so close to such educational and fun places to take the kids to!! This place, as you said, is also fun and interesting to adults!

    I also agree with you & Jorie about the evolutionary “theory”…there is a greater story about how it all came about, and it is in the Bible, from day one.

    We’re being told by WRAL that here in the Raleigh, NC area, we could have rain, hurricane winds and gusts, etc. We are just east of Raleigh, so we’ll probably get more of it. Also any towns east of I95 are on high alert. Smithfield is right where I95 is, and we’re only about 8 to 10 miles west of Smithfield. Praying we’ll all be safe and can get thru the storm without many problems. I have taken lots of stuff off the porch & deck. Love you guys!!!

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