We got a very special package in the mail yesterday…
We told the guy at the door what it was, and he seemed genuinely excited for the little guy jumping up and down in the hallway.
Lightening McQueen was the choice this go-round. See that cool knee joint?!?
Getting all suited up…
Time for a test drive. Right now, he takes big steps and then kicks it to make the knee joint straighten again. As he gets used to it, this won’t be quite so clumsy. In the picture above, he’s still sticking it out to the side, as he’s gotten used to doing with his stationery knee.
And, here he is doing the kick-thing.
He was very excited about trying it, and gave it all he had.
But, by the afternoon he was getting scared of it, because he fell once or twice…and, it’s kind of a violent fall. So, he’s gone back to walking by swinging it to the side. We’re giving him some time. He fell today because he didn’t think it would bend, but it did. We’re hoping he’ll come to the conclusion that practicing with it bending might be a better idea.
The foot on his other leg. Amazing how a very-well made (but man-made) foot can look worn down like this after 8 months, when our intelligently created feet last a lifetime. Had to put that out there :)
Comparing feet. Oh, like you don’t do this at home…
He still wouldn’t bend it much today, but we encouraged him to a few times. It’ll take some time for him to warm up to this. But, he will.
April 4th, 2012 at 7:31 am
I just love your family. Such a sweet post.
April 4th, 2012 at 8:21 am
We’re so proud of you, Dylan…for giving it your “all” with your new bendable leg. It will take a lot of time, patience and lots of practice…on that soft carpet!!! Granpa & I will say some prayers that you gradually get used to walking with it and it comes as easy as 1.2.3!!! Love the “Lightning McQueen”! After you get really good at walking, they’ll start calling you “Dylan McQueen”!! Love you, D-Man!!!
April 4th, 2012 at 7:45 pm
Tell Dylan that I wish I could get me a new leg that would bend like his does ! I know exactly how he feels about going back to the way you walked that is more comfortable. It is hard to break away from walking the way you have for so long, but Dylan will learn. Maybe you could set aside a period of time for “practice” each day and have pillows or people sitting around to catch him if he falls. Tell Dylan he can show me his new leg and knee this weekend and show me his progress !
April 6th, 2012 at 5:23 pm
Oh, such joy!
And he will get used to the bending, sooner than we might guess. How quickly he went from hopping and crawling anywhere he wanted to go, to walking on two legs. Now a knee that behaves like a “real knee” or almost. Sometimes when my “trick knee” acts up, I say it has forgotten that it is a knee!
And I love the bit about our own God-made feet lasting so much longer, though some of ours look a little more beat-up than those youthful ones in your last photo.
April 12th, 2012 at 6:57 am
I am sure as I am writing this Dylan has mastered his new leg. It amazes me how fast the kids can adjust to something and we adults take so much longer.We wish Dylan the best and I love the Cars theme.