Consulate Appointment set!

Author: Donna  |  Category: Adoption

Our agency was able to give us our definite travel dates today, after receiving confirmation of our appointment with the Chinese consulate! Our consulate date is 2/27, so we’ll be leaving for China on 2/13 and returning on 2/29. Because of the time difference, we’ll have a really LONG leap day! We will receive Lainey…known as Gotcha Day…the morning of 2/18!

We made our flight arrangments today and had our conference call with Josh and Lily this afternoon. Josh and Lily are the founders of our agency and they have a phone conference with every group of families that leaves for China to adopt. They are also available to us (they give us their cell phone numbers) 24hrs a day while we’re in China, should we need them. I think that is amazing…we have such a fantastic agency and have always felt so wonderfully taken care of.

When we have a more detailed itinerary, I’ll post it! 12 days to go…


5 Responses to “Consulate Appointment set!”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    HOW DO YOU SPELL RELIEF?? I’m sure that’s how you feel by now!!! All that’s left is packing for you both and the kids and taking care of last minute stuff! I wrote all of those dates down, as everyone is asking…now I can tell them! Did you ever think this day would ever come?! It’s been a LONG wait, but it will be worth it when you pick up that sweet little Lainey for the 1st time! Will say many prayers while you’re in flight and while you’re over there!! Love, Mom

  2. carrie Says:

    Oh my I have goose bumps for you!

  3. GramStegall Says:

    Instead of “good” things, I will say “GREAT” things happen to those that wait. 16 days before you get to hold your new daughter. To be in China for about 3 days before you get to Lainey will probably be the hardest yet !!! Prayers every minute are said for your safety, the weather, your 4 kids here and for my new “angel” Lainey. I expect many pictures throughout your adoption trip. Will you be able to post them while you are there? I pray that you can. We all are wanting and waiting to show Lainey our love.

  4. Janet T. Says:

    AAAHHHH! You are getting so close!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!

  5. nanaclark17 Says:

    Great news. Please add my home computer address so I can get pictures there.
    We will help out with kids as much as we can due to Ron’s surgery. Its suppose to be minor. Lets pray that is true. Your whole group in China will be in prayer that all goes smooth for each and every family.
    Love Nana and PawPaw.

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