It’s been TWO years since Dylan YuHai Clark joined our crazy family…and, we celebrated him last Thursday night.
As is our custom for both birthday and forever family days, the special kid chooses where we go out to eat. Â We KNEW that Dylan would choose the same place we went to last year. Â He brings it up all the time, always asking us WHEN are we going back there?!
But, no. Â He decided to confuse us and picked one of our favorite Asian restaurants from when we lived in Florida. Â Problem is the closest one to us now is a 45 minute drive. Â So, we drove.
While we’re driving, enjoy some of the shots I got of our little guy earlier that day…

Mom, the sun is in my eyes! Â (moving to another outside spot…)

I had nothing to do with it, so I don’t feel bad saying….he’s just so dang cute.

There’s the silliness.

Time to eat…

And, because an ice cream place was right next door…why not?

Giving the special kid a book is also a tradition with forever family days. Â I’d been sick, and ordered the book a little late. Â And, it hadn’t arrived in time. Â It showed up the next day, though.

He’s big-time into all things super hero, so a huge pop-up book with all of them was just the right choice.
Dylan has come a long way in two years. Â As with any adoption, there are bumps in the road as the child learns to be part of a family. Â And, more bumps as the existing family members make room for another. Â We are fortunate, in that Dylan’s adjustment-pains have been relatively easy. Â Bedtime used to be a bear…we believe due in part to losing his crib-mate(s). Â Now, he loves his room and his bed. Â He also used to zone out when things just got to be too much for him to handle….no more. Â His biggest struggle is self-control over his emotions. Â He becomes upset/cries very easily, especially if he feels like you’re mad or disappointed in him.
But, most of the time he’s a very laid-back, low-maintenance kid who loves bursting into ninja-like moves when you least expect it. Â How can you not smile at that?
We love you Dyl-pickle!
December 4th, 2012 at 11:40 pm
Besides i jsut love your little guy, I LOVE the idea of a book for their Gotcha day!
December 5th, 2012 at 12:13 am
I 150% agree with you…. Dylan is just so dang cute. It doesn’t seem like 2 years since I was staying with the “fab five” while you went to get Dylan. I will never forget how we all gathered around the computer that day to get our first real look at Dylan. I know my tears were falling out of happiness and love. I don’t think any of us realized just how much happiness Dylan would bring into the family. To say he has come a long way is an understatement. Dylan “belonged” to God first and to your family (and us) next. It was God’s plan for Dylan to be yours. And Dylan didn’t let us down as he is the “perfect” fit for your crazy, loving and wonderful family. He adds his on “specialness.”
Just like Lainey…. they both were destined to be in your family. I thanks God for all of my grands… all 12.
December 5th, 2012 at 4:43 am
I feel so blessed to have found your blog! You are right Dylan is the cutest little fellow!
December 5th, 2012 at 9:00 am
Not only is he cute and sweet, but he is a lucky little boy because he is in a family with a big enough heart to accept him as their own.
December 9th, 2012 at 9:02 am
Oh my, time sure flies! I’m like Ann…it seems like yesterday when we were in the hallway and in comes Randy holding the cutest little boy in the whole wide world….grinning at us like he’s known us forever!! I just couldn’t get over his ENERGY that night…ahem…morning, like 1 AM.
Donna, we were told that at your Grandmom’s wake a month ago, that all of our grandkids were behaving so well….and then, all of a sudden, Dylan ran…he saw his Pa Pa Clark (Ron)…that just totally warmed my heart. He started out having no family at all, and now he is blessed with a family of loving parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins and many many friends!!! Dylan, we truly love you, big guy and couldn’t imagine not having you as our adorable grandson!!! Not only is Dylan blessed, so are WE!!!
December 12th, 2012 at 10:22 pm
Dylan and Seth would get along just fine!! They are so similar in so many ways including the Ninja like moves. Istill hope they meet again someday. It amazes me how fast our children adjust to their new enviroment. They are all amazing children and I am so bleesed by them!!
Hugs to all and have a wonderful Christmas!!