Biker teens

Author: donna  |  Category: Family

Get your motor running…

Head out on the…field?

Looking for adventure…

in whatever comes our way.

BORN TO BE….Wait.  I don’t like where this song is going.

Born to have fun on dirt bikes!!  Without any concussions or broken bones!

Not a very catchy song, huh?

5 Responses to “Biker teens”

  1. Mom West Says:

    Born to be….a lucky Clark Kid with 2 nice looking dirt bikes!! What a perfect gift for all of the land you guys have!! I could tell by your smile, that you guys had one of the best Christmases ever!!

    Good Luck next week getting back to the books!! Prayers that everything runs smoooooth!!!

  2. Aunt Mary Says:

    I’m waiting for Lainey and Dylan to figure out a way to ride the dirt bikes!!

    Enjoyed seeing all of you on the 28th and also having Dylan try to teach me to snap my fingers. My fingers just do not “snap” no matter how hard he tried to get them too.

  3. Gram Says:

    More time for me to have to pray…. (but then I’m scared of anything with only 2 wheels). What I didn’t see was either you or Randy on the bikes???

    Oh…. and with the helmets, I look like I am the grandmother of “aliens.” LOL

  4. Vicky Simpson Says:

    That looks like so much fun!

  5. Melissa Says:

    Oh my, how much fun! “Born to be….wild at heart?” (John Eldredge). Love the SWAG jacket! Here’s to an amazing weekend before starting school in 2013!

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