Emma Faith

Author: Donna  |  Category: recommendation

If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ll remembering reading how we were led on the path to our Lainey.  In a nutshell, we had difficulties having our children, going through fertility treatments that were eventually successful.  We had our oldest daughter in 96 and added 3 more blessings 2 years later.  At that point we were “done” and proclaimed it loudly that we were. 

Years went by, and we started considering the possibility of adoption, slowly and in the backs of our minds.  In 2005, Randy forwarded me the website of a friend of his who had recently adopted from China.  I don’t remember the exact wording, but Randy’s email to me made me think he might be considering this for us…he didn’t really SAY that, but I felt it.  I ended up spending hours reading, sometimes through tears, about their journey to Lily.  I was hooked, and this thing called international adoption was starting to feel personal, like something we were meant to do.  Lots of thoughts, talking and prayers later, we turned in our paperwork to CCAI, the same adoption agency used by Sean and his wife Melissa. 

All that to say…this family that started us on our path to Lainey, changing our lives forever in the most amazing way, is RIGHT NOW in China, adopting their little Emma Faith!  I’d love for you to stop by their blog, and follow their journey along with me!  I’m sure they would love to know that others are watching and praying for them. 


2 Responses to “Emma Faith”

  1. karmen65 Says:

    Donna —

    I’d never really heard your story about what led you to adoption. I’m so glad you shared.

    I finally had a chance to catch up with MANY of your posts — you’re such a GREAT blogger! I LOVE the many photos of your beautiful family — and Lainey looks to be doing SO well.

    What a blessed family you are!


  2. fourgrands Says:

    Oh, Donna, I read their story so-far, and I felt like I was following you and Randy from day ONE to China…I got chills when Sean wrote that they get Emma Faith on 9/8!! That’s Monday (China time…Sunday evening our time…just like you and Randy!!) Emma Faith is so pretty, I know they’re soooo excited! How perfect that they could take Lily back home for a visit and to meet her new sister! Sounds like they have had a wonderful time there and you and Randy can imagine how they feel, anticipating the meeting of Emma Faith!! I’m looking forward to reading their story and seeing photos in the next few days!! Love, Mom PS It’s a little windy and rainy here, due to T.S. “Hanna”

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