Life goes on…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

In spite of the undesired outcome of Tuesday, we remain hopeful.  Afterall, God is, and always will be, in control.  He chooses our leaders, for His reasons alone.  We can rest in that, no matter the circumstances of this life.  On to better topics…

Lainey’s big sisters poured a whole bottle of bubble stuff in the bubble machine today.  That’s a LOT of bubbles.  Lainey decided she’d go head-first in for a quick taste. 

Feeling a wee bit sticky now, little one?

Ahhh, that’s better.  Bubbles to wash off the…bubbles?  Abbey takes full advantage of the baby wash in the bath water. 

Did I mention that our 2 year old is now addicted to Youtube?  I was reading one of my fav blogs (salsa in china…on the sidebar), and she listed some of her twins favorite Youtube videos.  I happened to have Lainey on my lap and showed her a couple.  That was all she wrote…now, if she sees me sitting at the computer, she’ll climb up and quickly sign “go”.  That means, pull up the “Wheels on the Bus” video NOW!  She loves it.  We also discovered she has a love for The Wiggles, which Randy is so thrilled about. 

In other news, both EJ’s baseball team and Abbey’s softball team are in 1st place in their divisions.  Woo hoo!  Abbey has 4 more regular season games, and then their playoffs.  EJ has 1 more regular season game, and their playoffs will begin.  The schedule of getting to practices and games is about to wear me out, but once we’re there, it’s so much fun. 

Lainey does great at the games…she sits in her stroller for a while, usually snacking or having dinner.  When she starts to get a little fidgety, I pull out a small lollipop…that’s not bribery, right?  Then, her brothers and sisters (whoever is available) take turns letting her play and run around.  After a life filled with day after day in the same room in an orphanage, she has easily transitioned to life in our crazy fun household. 

4 Responses to “Life goes on…”

  1. kristin Says:

    Congratulations to both EJ’s and Abbey’s teams! That is wonderful!

    Love the new pictures of Lainey. I took out the camera the other day but realized the battery was dead. Oh well. Maybe this weekend!

    And I am so with you on the bribery at games thing. Been there and will continue to do it!!

  2. karmen65 Says:

    It’s been a couple weeks since I checked your blog — been busy — and I can see you have too : ) Life in your house is just that so “full of life”! I love seeing the pictures and smiles! Thanks for letting us be inspired by your family!

  3. margaret Says:

    Lainey is so cute with the bubbles. Lily loves the oldies (The Monkeys, etc.) on YouTube. This is how we get her up in the morning for school or church. It has been fun catching up with you and your family!

  4. Anne Says:

    Addicted to UTUBE AT TWO??????????????? God help ya, baby. We’ve got a parrot that is addicted to the song Disturbia by Rhianna- but we hate the video-it’s creepy- but Dudley DIGS THE BEAT!!!!

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