10 Months

Author: Donna  |  Category: Gotcha anniversary

Ten months as our daughter today!  Most of the time, it’s hard to remember when she wasn’t here.  She’s loud, stubborn, goofy as all get-out, smarter than we can believe, and all ours :) 

Her speech is improving and her signs are increasing.  She more easily repeats sounds, mostly vowels, and can approximate a lot of words.  She’s also much more “conversational”, relying on approximated words and a lot of signs.  I’ll try and remember her signs:  all done, light, shoes, socks, more, Lainey, all her sibs, mama, dada, Jack, cat, bear, tree, cereal, eat/food, drink, milk, fork, spoon, potty, go/car, wait, book, swim, swing, night-night, sleep, clean, dirty, doll, baby, hot, cold, loud, ball, thank you, balloon, bath, key…there has to be more, but my mind is spent thinking!

Lainey hits a major milestone tomorrow…her LAST dose of INH therapy meds!  Yippee!!  She began this daily medicine, a 1/2 pill ground into powder and mixed in with yogurt, on March 19th – a full 9 months of meds.  She had to take this as a precaution, because of a positive TB test.  Her chest x-ray was clear, but it’s general practice to take the INH anyway.  She’ll likely test positive for TB all her life, but we have a signed letter from the clinic doctor, explaining this to anyone who might need it in the future, to assure them that she is a-okay. 

The kids and I went Christmas shopping today, and I took a few pics with my new birthday Coolpix :)

Have wallet, will shop…

We were too busy power shopping for pictures, so here we are having lunch at Panera. 

The gals…Abbey shows off a Littlest Pet Shop that she bought with some Christmas money

Having a nice lunch, Lainey Q?

The girls get silly!


3 Responses to “10 Months”

  1. kristin Says:

    How on earth did you go Christmas shopping with all five kids??? You amaze me. I left mine at after school until 4:30 so I could shop!

    Happy ten months to Miss Lainey. She has come so far. Must be the strength and love of her family. :-)

  2. fourgrands Says:

    HAPPY 10 MONTHS, Lainey!! Whew, how time flies!! Soon it will be a whole entire year since we spent 10 days in Florida with our other 4 grands….had a GREAT time, too, by the way…but the best part was when you guys and Lainey finally came home and saw our sign in the neighborhood!! What a wonderful home-coming that was!! We’ll never forget it!!!

    Looks like the shopping trip went well…wish I could have been there to shop with you guys and eat lunch!! Can’t wait till you guys get here on Friday…just a WEEK away!! All the gifts are bought, wrapped and under the tree!! Looking forward to helping Lainey have a great 1st Christmas!! HAVE A SAFE TRIP UP HERE…Love, Mom

  3. Donna Says:

    Hi mom! It is me Abbey. I think it is soooo cool that Lainey is now 10 monthes with us. It soooo cool!! I am so happy with Lainey is the fam. gtg!

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