My cherished clover

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family, Uncategorized

Before leaving our house in NC 4 years ago, I brought a little bit of it with me. Randy and I loved that house, and always say that was “home” and we just “live” here. Some houses just feel more like home.

There was a section in the backyard, where clover grew wild, and I just loved it. I dug up a bit of it, potted it, and it’s been growing ever since. It ebbs and flows…sometimes it’s full of blooms and sometimes there’s barely a leaf, but it always comes back big and bright. I’ve been meaning to plant it somewhere in the yard, but haven’t managed to do that yet. Anyway, I thought I’d share it on this St. Patty’s Day :)

7 Responses to “My cherished clover”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    That is SO pretty! I love how delicate it is!

  2. Teresa Says:

    I thought that post title said “My cherished lover”…and I was expecting to see some naughty pictures of Randy!!

    Good thing you’re keeping it G-rated and just talking about flowers…LOL!!!!

    Teresa =)

  3. radicchi Says:

    Very neat. Makes me want some clover.

  4. kristin Says:

    Aren’t you good!! Anything green in my house turns brown. I don’t remember to water it or anything.

    I’m a bad green thumb. Good thing my kids ask for food or they might be hungry.


  5. fourgrands Says:

    Good ‘ole NC clover…you can’t beat it!! Glad to hear that you “live” in Florida, but the house in NC is still “home”…and I personally wish you were still in it!! Oh well, maybe ONE day!!

    My thumb is not so green either…my sister on the other hand can plant a popsicle stick and it blooms!! HA! Love, Mom

  6. GramStegall Says:

    I LOVED your country house here and wish you were back in it, too. NC will always be “home” to you and Randy. AND your heart will always be here, too.

    I have a “silk” thumb and don’t have to water my flowers and they don’t die (they may fade).

  7. awakened1 Says:

    My mom just got me some clover plants this year for St. patty’s day.. I hope mine come back as nicely as yours do every year!!

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