Oh, happy day…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Ethan, Payton

What are these boys so deliriously happy about?  See the box behind them?  It held a magic machine…

…called a PUSH MOWER!  Randy has been telling the boys for a while that he would get one (we have a riding lawn mower and a steep back yard which ends in a pond.  ‘Nuf said…).  We bought this one last night and the boys were really anxious to get that thing cranked and cutting!  Randy walked them through all the ins and outs of how to care for it, how to add fluids, check air filters, etc.  They listened intently…

Finally!  Time to crank it.  Even with the two of them working together, dad eventually had to help out.  Once they had mowed for a while, they were each able to crank it easily.  They turned the mower off as often as they could, just so they COULD crank it again.  Boys. 

EJ is working hard!  Randy bought a nice, but “standard” mower.  No self-propelled nonsense here.  Just boy propelled. 

Working around the palm, learning how to overlap so you don’t miss grass…so much to learn. 

They made me take this picture.  They’re holding grass that THEY cut.  They were so proud.  And, happy.  And, tired!  They ended up cutting about half of the yard, each taking turns.  The boys weren’t the only ones happy.  I LOVE a freshly mown lawn.  Just hearing the lawn mower rev up makes me grin (one of the weird things about me).  Now, I have THREE guys to do it!  Happy day!

5 Responses to “Oh, happy day…”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    I LOVE to cut grass and wish I could still use a push mower. So now I have a rider and an electric weed eater and cut everything with those. Oh yeah…. I forgot that my rider has a blown engine after 15 years !!!

    Wonder how long it will take before the novelty wears off with the boys “enjoying” cutting grass??

    Good work guys.

  2. Donna Says:


    On the first picture, mom told us to put our heads together, so we tried very hard to put them together!

    Its really fun mowing the grass. Probably not gonna be fun in four years, but right now it is!

    I love it! We try to “share” it. does not work at ALL.

  3. fourgrands Says:

    Can we borrow our grandsons up here in NC?? How nice that they can (and love!!) to cut grass!! Hope the enthusiam lasts a long, LONG time!! This is really teaching them responsibility and how nice to give their dad a break…right, Randy?!

    Kuddos to both of you, Payton & Ethan!!! :D

  4. fourgrands Says:

    Oops…I spelled enthusiasm wrong!

  5. jenjenniffniff Says:

    So cute! Send them to Colorado when they’re done, please.

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