This side of surgery

Author: Donna  |  Category: Lainey, Medical

In the playroom, waiting to be called to the pre-op area.

In pre-op, a few minutes after receiving the Versed medicine that makes her loose and carefree :)

About 4 hours later…

Kitty was with her the whole time.

Next day…still very out of it, in pain, and cranky. Still not wanting to drink anything unless we forced her to.  Somehow, she was released from the hospital anyway.

First day home…awake most of the day and drinking like a champ.

by last night, she was asking to be carried in the Ergo and fell right asleep.

Today…playing dress-up.  Only a little complaint of pain.  She was seriously cranky this afternoon, but we are glad to see her “personality” coming out.  Her nostril stent and nose stitches come out on Monday, and the lip stitches on Thursday.  She’ll be on a liquid/soft diet for about 3 weeks.   We’re all happy to be on this side of surgery.

6 Responses to “This side of surgery”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    So glad she is doing well, Donna. SHe is such a trooper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. fourgrands Says:

    We’re happy along with you. What a difference in the 1st photo and the 2nd one…she’s almost “out of it” in the 2nd one. In years to come, you can show her these pictures and she’ll know how lucky she is to have such caring parents that helped her get her mouth, etc. better. It’s amazing how children can snap back from being sick and having surgery.

    So glad that “Kitty” was there to support her! Love you, Lainey…you’re sooo special!!!!!

  3. Teresa Says:

    My goodness, I am a bit behind in my blog reading…didn’t even know Miss Lainey was due for surgery again. Glad all went well, hope recovery continues to be smooth sailing for all.

    Hugs from Ohio!!

    Teresa =)

  4. Mrs. Stringer Says:

    I am so glad Lainey is getting better and better. I know you are enjoying the extra cuddle time she needs right now.

  5. adixon Says:

    I’m so glad Lainey is doing well… we’re praying for her… and know each day she’ll feel better and better.

    Hey by the way on your bird issue with the bathroom window… place a picture of another bird in the window– or put up there one of the many beenie babies you have in the house… I bet that bird will stop if it sees something else besides it’s reflection in the window.

    God Bless.

  6. breadofangels Says:

    I am glad she is home and recovering. A soft and liquid diet… whew. How do you do that with a 3 year old!?? The pictures are great!!! Do you love the lens or what?

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