They’re out there…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Adoption

Our NC and NJ documents, that is!  On 5/5, I sent off our birth certificates and our marriage liscense to their respective couriers for authentication at the Chinese consulates.  We’re using couriers for this, rather than sending them directly to the consulates.  It costs extra, but this means that the couriers will thoroughly go through our paperwork and make sure all i’s are dotted and all t’s are crossed.  Then, they will hand-deliver them to the consulates and, when they’re ready, they will pick them up and then mail them back to me.  It was so hard letting those documents go at the Fed-Ex office!  I know the clerk thought I was nuts, checking and re-checking to make sure I had everything right.  I’ll be constantly checking the tracking on these packages until they arrive back to me, safe and sound!

One Response to “They’re out there…”

  1. jessica Says:

    Hi Donna,
    I love your website! I am glad we have met through this adoption journey. You have a beautiful family!

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