How she says thank you…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Ethan, Lainey

How sweet.  Ethan is teaching Lainey how to play his guitar!  I love it when the big kids share their lives with Lainey.  I’m sure L will give him a big hug and kiss for this privilege. 

Or, maybe she’ll just steal his guitar pick.

3 Responses to “How she says thank you…”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    This is so cute. Lainey’s hair is getting really long. Was it my imagination today when I talked to her on the phone that her speech is getting better and better?? I actually could understand her !! Yea ! (well… most of it)

  2. fourgrands Says:

    I love it!! The girl is soooo sweet but with a touch of spunk…just like her daddy!!! Ethan, your granpa really likes your COOL guitar!!

  3. Says:

    LOVE the sibling interaction. I really like Lainey’s hair longer like that-she is really growing out of that “younger” look. Wasn’t sure if I should follow that sentence with a smiley or frowny face?


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