I see the moon

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (4)  //  Add Comment

I see the moon,

The moon sees me,

The moon sees the one that I want to see.

God bless the moon,

And, God bless me,

And, God bless the one I’m longing to see.

Chris Rice, one of my favorite christian musicians sings this familiar chorus in one of his songs. Everytime I hear it, I can’t help but think of Lainey. We’ll be there as soon as we can, little girl!

Little bit of big news!

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (12)  //  Add Comment

I learned today, that the CCAA is finished their review of dossiers through August 31, 2006! Are you wondering what that means? Let me back up…

Once we send our dossier to China, there is a department that does nothing but go through your paperwork, with a fine tooth comb, to check for any problems, mistakes, typos, coffee cup stains (ha), etc. They go through these in the order they are received, and once they finish a batch, they announce it on their website (link for that is on my sidebar, in case you’re interested). Since our LID date is 8/1/06, that means that our dossier had no problems…we’re out of the review room!!

This could be extra great for us, being in the WC program. Our wait time from referral to travel should be shorter, since our dossier is already “approved” by the CCAA! After being a little blue yesterday, this makes my day :)

No news yet…

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (8)  //  Add Comment

Not much of an update, really. No news is…no news. Lainey wasn’t on the last list of Waiting Children from our agency. CCAI (Chinese Children Adoption International – our adoption agency) requested a new list of children from the CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs – the agency in China, in charge of China’s orphans). They hope to receive that new list in the next few weeks.

Once I hear that they HAVE this new list, I’m considering camping out in the agency’s front yard. You know, like you do when you want really good tickets for a concert or basketball game? Grin…

So, we wait. And, pray that we see her face soon…before Christmas. It’s really all I want for Christmas.

Are we SQUARE or what?

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (9)  //  Add Comment

Our friend, Rhonda, came over tonight to begin planning out our 100 Good Wishes Quilt for Lainey!! She has graciously agreed to make the quilt for us, and we’re so excited to see it finished. We’ve been collecting these squares for more than a year now. It was exciting to see them all laid out like this! She will cut the squares down to make them a little smaller, and we’ll have sashing between each square and a nice border around the whole thing. It’s gonna look great!

From Jenny

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (3)  //  Add Comment

These adorable socks (see the ladybugs??) and sweet note are from Jenny H, one of my online adoptive mom friends. I was HER secret pal, sending her gifts for her daughter-to-be, Violet, for the last year. She surprised me with these cute socks today! I love them, and they surely brought a smile to my face on this very stormy and rainy day!

**we’re still waiting, by the way.

More gifts for the one we’re waiting for!

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comment (1)  //  Add Comment

Kelly B, from my Ladybug Believers yahoo group, handmade this gorgeous bib for Lainey! I can’t wait to see it on her…or, is it too pretty to use??

Look at the adorable clothes! My “no-longer-secret” pal, Joanna sent these in her last package to us (our year of secret pal goodies is up!). She also sent candy and presents for the kids, chocolate for me, and pistachios and cashews for Randy. The girls love their initial bracelets and the boys love the stretchy-thing toys (lol). Thank you!!!

10 Months

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (7)  //  Add Comment

I’m kind of in a groove, with these number post titles!

Today marks 10 months since we turned in our Medical Conditions Checklist, hoping to be matched with a Waiting Child. Lainey will have some type of special need(s) that we’ve researched and feel capable of dealing with. Children in China who have something out of the ordinary are usually treated harshly. For instance, a child with a cleft lip and palate is seen as defective or bad luck. They are teased (or worse) by even adults. An abandoned special needs child in China, who does not get adopted, faces a very uncertain future.

Children with extensive needs, like those requiring surgery, are often unable to receive the kind of care and treatment that they need because of the cost involved. Families usually just can’t afford these expenses. This is the main reason why so many children with special needs are abandoned in China.

Our agency receives lists of Waiting Children every 2-3 months, and they received their latest one a few days ago. There is a chance that Lainey could be on this list. We’re sure praying that she is. We know that God has chosen the child meant to be in our family, and we’re sure ready to be let in on the secret!!