1 Year

Author: donna  //  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary  //  Comments (5)  //  Add Comment

Dylan gotcha

11/29/10 – taken an hour or so after we first met.

Today, we celebrate Dylan.

And, praise a God that would bless us with this bundle of cuteness.



We look back on this last year and marvel at how easily Dylan transitioned to us – bonded with us – and, showed us love so quickly and easily.

We smile as he measures himself against the kitchen counter, realizing he’s getting taller. And, when he raises his shirt after cleaning his plate, showing us his big tummy.

Tonight, we took the crew out to celebrate…and, had a blast, as usual. But, it’s getting late and homeschool co-op comes EARLY. So, more details and pics tomorrow.

Happy 1 Year, Dylan…we love you!

11 Months

Author: donna  //  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary  //  Comments (3)  //  Add Comment


He tells us all the time…”I’m BIG”


I’ve not weighed or measured him lately (gotta do that), but it’s obvious he’s growing. He eats much better these days, and is most definitely getting taller.

Favorite phrase these days? He says “dub-a-duh”. Which means “it didn’t”. So, if he falls down (which he does a lot), he jumps up and says “dub-a-duh hurt”, with a huge smile on his face.


The boy LOVES his overalls. Which, he calls, his “wovi-waws”. That’s just cute.

Happy 11 months, Dylan…can’t wait to celebrate a whole YEAR!

10 Months

Author: donna  //  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary  //  Comments (2)  //  Add Comment

As Dylan would say “10 Months, baby”

Everything these days is followed up with “baby”…he’s a cool cat.


I had a little mommy / son date with the little man today. Took him to get frozen yogurt on the way to the grocery. His was chocolate with mini m&ms and chocolate sprinkles. He finished every bite without getting even a drop on his shirt. That’s my neat boy.

I’ve gotta share a little conversation we had. Background: Dylan had a green spoon, and I had a pink one.

Dylan: Mommy, why do you have…what’s that?
Me: pink
Dylan: Mommy, why do I have…what’s this?
Me: green
Dylan: Mommy, why do you have…uh…what’s that?
Me: pink
Dylan: Oh, Mommy, why do I have…um…what’s this?

And, on and on, until he finally got the WHOLE sentence out. Remind me next time to get us both the same color spoon. Oh, and to work on his colors.

On the bright side, he can usually count up to 5, knows his name begins with “D”, and can draw a person. The one below, he tells me, is Lainey. I took one picture, and then he stopped me to add in her “really lot” hair.


Dylan is eating more these days, thankfully. I made fried rice with chicken the other night, and he had THREE bowls. Unheard of!

I weighed him today… 28.4 lbs. He’s busting out of his pants! lol…

Dylan (and Lainey) are enjoying talking about China lately, and we’ve borrowed a few videos from the library on Mandarin, Chinese stories, and biographies of children in China. Dylan decides on occasion that he wants to be called Yu Hai. Lainey wants nothing to do with Qing Qin, she doesn’t like it.


We’re getting so close to ONE year!

9 Months

Author: donna  //  Category: Gotcha anniversary  //  Comments (6)  //  Add Comment


He thinks cameras are for goofing off.

I’ve been so hit or miss with Dylan’s month milestones! I almost missed 7 and then TOTALLY missed 8. Oh well, I guess I’ll forgive myself.

Today marks NINE MONTHS since that wonderful Gotcha Day in China. People ask me “how did you prepare differently when you adopted a toddler??” I had already read all the books with Lainey’s adoption. We realized that the odds of having attachment and other issues increase when a child is in an orphanage longer, but honestly…and I hesitate to say it.

He’s been easy.

Other than not wanting to eat much (which we’re still dealing with, along with trying to find out why he’s still NOT gaining weight…), and learning how to deal with being told no, his transition to our home/family has been….easy. It’s like he knew from day one…

“finally…they finally came for me”.


And, we love him more everyday. (hey, ignore the laundry basket in the reflection…at least they’re clean clothes, right?)

Dylan loves: Swimming, his tools, Nutella, dancing in Sunday School, his “twolegwalk”, wearing jeans, saying prayers, doing everything Lainey does, Ni Hao Kailan, falling asleep in the van.
Dylan hates: Eating a full meal, riding in a stroller, not getting his way, sleeping under blankets, taking a nap, doughnuts.


9 months…it’s flown by, and at the same time I’m amazed it’s not been longer.


Love ya, goofy boy.

I missed it

Author: donna  //  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary  //  Comments (8)  //  Add Comment

The UPS guy at the door, that is. I was so excited to be able to ask him “do you KNOW what’s in that package you’re holding?!?!”

But, I was at the Dr. getting a cortisone shot in my elbow….which, by the way, didn’t hurt at all. Dr. Licause rocks.

Anyway! Randy called me on the way home with the news…Dylan’s prosthetic leg came!! I was surprised, the techs at Shriner’s said it would be a long shot for us to receive it by his birthday. This is 4 days earlier than that. They must have really pushed to get it done. Have I mentioned how much I love the Greenville, SC Shriner’s??


Lainey and Dylan had just come in from swimming with Abbey, and we showed him the box. When we asked him what he thought it was, he broke out in a big smile and said “two leg walk”.



He looks pleased. The camo/lizard print came out wonderfully…it’s definitely a big boy leg!


Time to saddle up. Sock, liner, leg, pants.


Feeling a little weird!


Hey, I can do this.


He’s not in pain.


He’s got a case of the goofies.


Walking to mama…


and back to daddy.


A close up. The cord attaches to the bottom of the leg and then to another velcro strip at the top. He can pull it, which unlocks the joint in his leg so he can sit in chairs and his car seat. He loves that part.

He’s worn it for about 15min at a time, 3 times today. Every time, he does a little better. Tonight, he got himself up onto the fireplace hearth, and could stand up and sit down on his own. We were laughing at his wild arms, trying to balance himself. Randy taught him “wax on – wax off”. Ha!

Oh, and today marks 7 MONTHS since our adoption was finalized for Dylan. I usually post on the Gotcha Day (yesterday), but as you can tell it slipped my mind. What a great early birthday present/adoption day present!

After I put Dylan to bed, I went to a drawer in his room and pulled out all the left shoes that have been waiting to be used. They’re now with their matching right shoes, all ready to be worn. Two shoes. :)

Five Months!

Author: donna  //  Category: Gotcha anniversary  //  Comments (3)  //  Add Comment


Tonight, on our ride home from the mall, it occurred to me that today is our FIVE month Gotcha-versary with Dylan :)


Obviously the big news this month is Dylan’s surgery is BEHIND US.  Yippee!  And, let me tell you, it’s acting as if nothing happened.  Cast?  No big deal.  Pain?  Only a teensy bit around bedtime.


Mobility?  He’s back up to speed, which I’m thinking the doctors would be frowning about.  He was scooting on his bottom, but now he crawling with his long leg behind him and the cast dragging right along.  They don’t want him putting direct pressure on it, and technically he’s not.  But, I’m afraid he’s going to drag a hole in it!  I want to find something I can put on the end (cut off end of a tube sock??) that will take the friction and I can replace if needed.


Dealing with this cast is SO much easier than his last one was.  Maybe because we’ve BTDT?  Also, this cast is smaller (not as fat around his waist, and obviously shorter than the other one).  So, his pants fit better.  And, I had an idea to cut the side seam of  his unders (1 size larger than usual) and use velcro strips to close it around the cast.  Problem…I don’t sew.  So, Gram came to the rescue and made 3 pairs for us to use.  Since he’s potty trained, I wanted him to be able to wear unders and not a pull-up (which he does wear to bed).  They work perfectly!

What else is new….

his favorite new word is “why”.  He asks it constantly.  I’ll answer one why question, and he quickly follows up with…”why mommy?”

loves waffles, noodles, pizza, and bananas.  Isn’t so fond of yogurt anymore.

wears his sister’s plastic necklaces whenever he gets the chance.

is crazy about getting haircuts.

What’s NOT new?  Still weighs 27lbs.  Well, according to the hospital, 27.15lbs.  Hey, he’s gaining, right??


Dylan, you’re such a joy.  Sweet, goofy, melt our hearts kinda kid.  Happy 5 months!!

4 Months!

Author: donna  //  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary  //  Comments (2)  //  Add Comment


Well, I’m a day late in getting this posted – a certain daughter of mine had my computer held hostage all last night.

As busy as yesterday was (running from 6am till 6pm!), we certainly remembered that we were celebrating FOUR months with Dylan!  Honestly, it seems like longer.  Was he ever not here?  His transition into the family has been extremely easy.  Sleeping  and eating issues are gone.  His english  is exploding and he talks in sentences.  He STILL weighs 27lbs. and not an ounce more.  Maybe he’s growing in height?  I’ve got to look back to his initial appt. to check on that.


A new favorite activity…sitting on the edge of the sink and washing dishes.

A few more observations…

* He says I love you – “I lub oo”  – Lainey taught him that one.

* We were at church yesterday, waiting to pick up Abbey and Ethan from their student council meeting.  We were on the playground, and there’s a small climbing wall.  Lainey started up, and Dylan wanted to try.  I immediately told me no, he just wasn’t ready for that. Before I knew it, he was at the top (with me “spotting” him).  I have to learn NOT to lower my expectations of him.

* The other day, I was holding him and he accidently bumped into my chin.  He immediately asked “ooh ok mommy?”  and kissed me. And, this morning he wanted a sip from a water bottle.  I was worried he might spill and he said “I not spill it, I be tareful”.   Interactions like that are becoming common…I love how we can communicate so much easier now.

* A lot happens next month, specifically his surgery on April 26th.  We’ve already been talking a lot about his “new leg” and wearing “two shoes”.  When I took him back to the surgeon last week to check on his broken femur (healing perfectly, by the way), he asked if we were there for his new leg.  If we mention going to the doctor for anyone, he asks if it’s for his new leg.  He’s anxious, though I realize he doesn’t know specifically what’s about to happen.  We plan on getting together with our friends, the Gambils soon.  They have a 5 year old daughter with an amputation/prosthetic leg.  I want Dylan to see and get a better idea of what’s coming.  We’re blessed to have friends willing to share their experiences with us!

So, our next Gotcha Day update will be at 5 months, and Dylan will have had his surgery.  He’ll be BACK in that lovely spica cast, too. Looking forward to that!  (sarcasm…)

Happy 4 months, Dylan!