Author: Donna // Category:
Family //
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Lots of “blogable†things happened this weekend, so I thought I’d cram it all into one post :)

Saturday, we took the kids to St. Augustine, Florida for a quick visit. St. Augustine is about 45 minutes south of us, and is known as the oldest city in the nation (it was founded 42 years before the English colony at Jamestown, Va and 55 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock!). We took a carriage ride around town, with the driver filling us in on all the rich history of St. Augustine. We also saw the Castillo de San Marcos, the oldest masonry fort in the country. We got there too late to tour inside (we’ll do that next time), but just the outside was amazing to see. A couple more pictures…

sitting on the fort wall!

Posing with “Jack†the horse and his carriage
On to Sunday…Abbey had her first day of being a “Kidstuf dancer†at church. “Kidstuf†is our church’s youth service, where parents and kids attend together to hear a message, sing, and watch a play about the virtue of the month. She’s been excited about doing this for the last couple of years, and as a rising 6th grader, she’s finally old enough. She loved it!

After church, we got a surprise phone call from our friend, Sharon Pierce! She was driving up from Miami with her kids, Connor, Sydney, and Mia and had time to stop and visit with us. We did tons of catching up and our kids played great together. My boys would like to adopt Connor as their “honorary big brotherâ€! Sharon and I have been friends since 8th grade and Sharon and Randy grew up in church together. Sharon is responsible for my marriage…she introduced Randy and I when we were in the 9th grade. :)

Sharon and Donna

Our 4 and her 3!

Abbey, Sydney, Marley, and Mia