I sometimes have to shake my head when I think of myself having 5 children. When Randy and I were dating and talked about having children, we always said “2, maaaaaybe 3”. Well, it’s obvious how those plans worked out – I’m sure God was smiling as we talked.Â
You know the whole joke, when people see you with lots of kids…chuckle-chuckle…”don’t you both KNOW how that happens?” In our case, that wasn’t…uh…the case. None of our children were conceived in the traditional way. It took us years to conceive Abbey, and that was with fertility treatments. When we were ready to try for #2 (God laughing uncontrollably now), we went down the same path of medical intervention. Voila, buy 1 get 2 free! And, when we realized that God was calling us to add a sweet little girl from China to our brood, we listened.Â
Our kids didn’t come to us in the standard, text-book, birds and bees way. But, He blessed us beyond measure and I honestly don’t know why – we certainly don’t deserve it. But, He is love, mercy, grace, and so much more. We are grateful.Â
I know there are many women out there who wait to be moms. I remember those Mother’s Days and they were just plain hard. I couldn’t imagine myself ever having my OWN Mother’s Day. But, this year is my 12th :) I pray for those who wait…you aren’t waiting alone.