Sweet Nadia

Author: Donna  //  Category: Friends  //  Comments (3)  //  Add Comment


Our friends are in Ukraine right now, adopting this beauty named Nadia.  We’ve been friends with Jim and Kristin for years…they have 3 other children and felt called to add Nadia to their family.  Their youngest child, Josi, has Down syndrome and so does Nadia.  They found her on Reece’s Rainbow (www.reecesrainbow.com), which is an international Down syndrome adoption ministry started by the mom of a child with Down syndrome.  We are so happy for our friends, and even happier for Nadia – her future held little hope until her forever family found her.  Now, she’s a member of a very blessed family. 

Follow the rest of their journey at their blog – listed in my sidebar as “Kristin – Nadia”.  :)

Remember, don’t try this at home…

Author: Donna  //  Category: Family  //  Comments (4)  //  Add Comment

At least that’s what Jamie and Adam tell us everytime we sit down to watch one of our favorite family shows, MythBusters.  In case you’re not familiar, the show attempts to re-create common myths and folklore, judging them as confirmed, plausible, or busted!  It’s educational, and they seem to spend a lot of their time blowing things up…how can you go wrong? 

The myth that intrigued us this time was whether or not using profanity makes you more tolerant to pain.  They put their arms into bowls of ice water (that was the pain part!), and then timed how long they could keep their arms in without using swear words and then while using swear words.  We decided to re-create part of the test.  NO, not the swearing part! 

The kids were interested to see if they could keep their arms in ice water for the 3 minutes max that the mythbusters did.  Of course, Randy jumped in on this, too.  I wasn’t feeling too well that night, so I passed.  Plus, I hate being cold. 

Randy went first, and lasted the 3 minutes.  He said it was most definitely painful up to about 2 minutes, and then the pain leveled off some. 

Abbey timing him on her phone.  Lainey wondering why we’ve all lost our minds. 

Pain rising, must remain calm…

Payton was next, and was a little blown away by how cold it was!  He squirmed and wiggled and exclaimed the whole time.  His first try was 48 seconds.

Lainey had to play, too.  She lasted 22 seconds!

Marley’s time was 29 seconds.  No wonder she’s usually the first out of the pool. 

Ethan totally put on his game face and lasted the whole 3 minutes.  Have we ever mentioned he was competitive? 

Same with Abbey, 3 minutes.  Not sure if she’s competitive as much as she is stubborn…she wasn’t going to let her dad out-do her in something! 

On a second go-round, Payton got serious and lasted all 3 minutes.  Marley tried again too, but only made it 51 seconds.  The girl doesn’t like being cold!  (like her mama)  Lainey also went again, and went 39 seconds. 

It was a fun experiment (to watch!), and surprising how their personalities came out in their results.  And, we promise…no swearing took place!  :)


Author: Donna  //  Category: Family  //  Comments (2)  //  Add Comment

Some have asked for a few shots of the inside of the house.  I kept waiting till it was uncluttered and put together.  Who am I kidding?  Here’s the inside of the house…

Foyer, what you see when you walk in the front door.  That room upstairs is the master. 

Rooms to the right of the foyer…dining and living?  Very much not figured out yet. 

The foyer leads into the family room.  Randy watching the Braves…they’ve been crazy good lately! 

The family room then goes into the eating area and kitchen.  We got Payton a cartooning book at the homeschool conference, he draws constantly now.  Marley is working with Lainey on her new handwriting book.  She loves to copy and practice writing her letters now. 

The kitchen.  Abbey sneaking on my computer to check FB.  I really like the kitchen, but it’s small.  Can’t open the pots and pans cupboard if the dishwasher is open…can’t open the drawer with the pot holders if the oven is open.  :)  But, there’s tons of cabinet space and the pantry is bigger than my last one.  Can’t complain too much! 

That’s all I’ve got for now.  No shots of upstairs yet.  We are renting this home for the next 6-12 months, depending on (1) when we sell our FL house, and (2) when our travel for Dylan falls.  We are very thankful to be in such a nice house while we wait for more permanent things to fall into place.

Free Fun

Author: Donna  //  Category: Family  //  Comments (4)  //  Add Comment

Lights + water jumping in time to music + kids

= dancing!

the boys conduct the water orchestra…

while the girls dance and laugh.

Randy watches the show…wonder what he’s thinking?