Author: donna  //  Category: Abbey  //  Comments (2)  //  Add Comment

Yesterday was a big day in the life of Abbey, one she’s been looking forward to…


Sweet 16


Her wish? Dinner out with her family, with her best guy Josh tagging along. No birthday cake, just the massive chocolate cake at her favorite restaurant. No birthday song…we disagreed with this one and sang to her anyway.



Dad, quit taking my picture already?!


Her sibs and Josh got together and ordered (well, we will order…they weren’t sure about size) a pair of Hunger Games embroidered Toms. She was obviously pleased with their choice!



We gave her a jewelry “closet” (she called it that), a “Sweet 16” charm for her charm bracelet, and a camera upgrade from her “point and shoot”.





Here’s a shot of that chocolate cake I mentioned…she even shared some with the rest of us.

Once we move to the new house (insert shouts of glee), we’ll throw her a fun party…we’re thinking a take on the Amazing Race and then back to the house for traditional party food. I’ll make sure we sing happy birthday to her again. She’ll love that.

Abbey, we are so proud of you, love you to pieces, and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Happy 16th, Abbey-girl!

So, what’s new?

Author: donna  //  Category: Family  //  Comments (5)  //  Add Comment

As of last Monday, our church’s 21 day fast was over. My first piece of chocolate? A delicious “kiss” wrapped in silver. Followed by another one. Oh, how I missed you. My tea maker is humming again, too. All in all, the fast was hard and wonderful. I’m so glad that I listened to God’s prompting to join in.

Last Monday, I had to wake up BEFORE the birds and drive Dylan to his Shriner’s appt in Greenville, SC. Payton, sweet guy that he is, joined me. We were only going for a check-up to make sure his little leg healed completely after surgery, but the prosthetist immediately saw that the socket of his prosthesis is now too large for him (he said it’s normal for the leg to thin out, as they lose baby fat)…that’s why his leg has been turning in while he walked, his little leg has just been too loose to control it. So, they’re making him a new prosthesis, he should have it by mid March. He’s thinking Spider Man print this go round.

Dylan mold

Here he is getting the new mold of his little leg so they can make the new socket just the right size. The gals doing it, Crissy and India, are so great with Dylan, they spend the whole time laughing. That’s me on the left, holding the wobbly boy up, and trying not to get plaster splattered on me.

L and D with Joel

After church last Sunday, all the big kids scattered away with friends, so it was just us and the littles. We took advantage of what would be a cheaper lunch-out and headed to Joel’s Grill and Sushi. Since we had worn our qi pao to church that day, it kinda turned into a 2nd CNY celebration :) Joel was a hoot, taking pictures of the kids and us in our Chinese Sunday best. We’ll be back to Joel’s for sure.

Dylan sushi

He eats his sushi the correct way, all in one bite!

Lainey sushi

Of course, so does she.

Suly Chenkin

We participate in a homeschool co-op on Wednesdays. The kids take american history, writing, and science. I help in the nursery, middle school history, and preK-K classes. My friend, Holly, does an amazing job teaching history…she really brings it alive for them (and me!). We were studying WWII, and the holocaust about a week ago and she decided to try and find a local survivor. And, she did. Do a web search for Suly Chenkin and read her story…you’ll be amazed. We were so blessed by her sharing her history with us.

Donna hair

Abbey likes to grab my phone (all these shots are from my phone, which is why some of them aren’t so good…) and take random pictures of me. I didn’t even know she took this one till I found it. It struck me how long my hair is getting. I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep growing it, so that I can donate it this year. I’ve always wanted to do that.

Ethan takes guitar lessons every Friday for an hour. His teacher is an awesome young guy from church, who is an extremely respected musician on our church’s worship team. He also leads one (there are two that rotate) of the Jr. high worship bands, and he offered Ethan an acoustic guitar position on one of those teams today. He’ll play every-other-week for both Jr. High services. He’s wanted to do this since we moved here…well, since beginning guitar back in FL when he was 10 years old. He’s psyched.

Lainey sick

I took this shot of Lainey tonight. She’s been complaining of a sore throat since yesterday, and tonight she went downhill fast at dinner. Her fever was 102.2, and she crashed on the couch. She’s sleeping soundly in bed now, poor girl.

So, let’s recap. Dylan is getting a NEW leg. We have a NEW favorite Chinese place. We have a NEW appreciation for survivors of the Holocaust. I’ll be getting a NEW haircut sometime this year. And, Ethan has a NEW “job” at church.

I left the best NEW thing for last. We’re moving to a NEW house! Out of this rental and into our own home. We’re so crazy excited. Thankful. Amazed at the house that God provided. We’ll still be in the same town, but in a more rural area, a mile or so from our little “downtown” main street. Cows across the street, horses behind us. Only one neighbor within normal walking distance. I’m in heaven! Move-in is scheduled for mid-March. Feel free to drop what you’re doing and pack a box or two for me. I’m in denial about that part of the move so far. ;)

Linwood front door

A sneak peek…