This post will surely get lots of “comments”… :)

Author: donna  //  Category: Family  //  Comment (1)  //  Add Comment

We’ve recently instituted something new around here.  It’s the Comment Jar.  It sits on the kitchen island, with paper and a pencil nearby.

Do you have a grievance you want discussed?

A suggestion on how we could do something better?

A compliment to share with everyone?

An idea for discussion?

Put it in the jar.  After dinner prayers, we’ll jump into whatever topics those little slips of paper dictate.

Recent ones…

Dylan would like everyone to stop tickling him so much.  Especially Ethan.

Lainey would like us to all go to the movies as a family.

An anonymous person complimented Payton on how kind he’d been that day.

A certain kid’s friend even put one in.  It read “Pie is good.  You should get some”.  I’m thinking I should out-law friends adding to our comment jar.

Given Randy has been traveling for the last 7 out of 11 days, our jar is getting full.  Thankfully, he’s on a plane right now, on his way home.  And, he tells me he’ll stay home (mostly) for the next 2 weeks!  This wife is happy ’bout that.

If you’d like to add something to our jar, electronically, just let me know.  We’ll be sure to discuss it at the dinner table :)


Last Saturday’s project

Author: donna  //  Category: Uncategorized  //  Comment (1)  //  Add Comment

Lainey and Dylan, on their own, designed and built this fort.  They used all the blankets they could find, chairs, benches, sleeping bags, lotsa rubber bands, and my chip clips :)  We were all very impressed.

Silly builders.

Today, a week later, Lainey has a fever and is feeling puny.  Both littles are still in their PJ’s and it’s almost noon.

No matter what, you’ve gotta love Saturdays.